In Case Of Emergency, All Emergency Services In Labrador West Can Be Obtained By Dialing 9-1-1


Royal Newfoundland Constabulary - EMERGENCY - 9-1-1

417 Booth Avenue
P.O. Box 575, Labrador City, NL
A2V 0B3

Telephone: 1-709-944-7602

Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary (RNC) is Newfoundland and Labrador's Provincial Police Service. The RNC dates back to 1729, with the appointment of the first police constables. In the 19th century, the RNC was modeled after the Royal Irish Constabulary with the secondment in 1844 of Timothy Mitchell of the Royal Irish Constabulary to be Inspector General, making it the oldest civil police force in North America.

Visit The RNC Website


Labrador West Health Care Center - EMERGENCY - 9-1-1

1700 Nichols-Adam Highway
Labrador City, NL
A2V 0B2

Telephone: 709-285-8100

Labrador Grenfell Health

Located in Labrador City, the Labrador West Health Centre serves Labrador West.  The health centre has 28 beds, 14 of which are designated long-term care beds for levels three and four nursing care.  Inpatient units provide care to medical, surgical, obstetrical, pediatric, respite, palliative care and psychiatric clients. 

The hospital is served by fee-for-service family physicians, a general surgeon, an obstetrician/gynecologist and an anesthesiologist. There are also a number of specialists who visit the hospital on a regular basis. Surgery is carried out in the major or the minor operating room. Maternity care is provided by family physicians and nurses.

Visit The LWHC Website

Fire Services

Labrador City Fire Department - EMERGENCY - 9-1-1

317 Hudson Drive

Labrador City, NL

Telephone: 709-944-7832

Fire Services

Wabush Fire Department - EMERGENCY - 9-1-1

Whiteway Drive

Wabush, NL

Telephone: 709-282-5696

Contact Us

Our Location


1365 Route 500

Nichols-Adam Highway

PO Box 18

Labrador City, NL

A2V 2K3


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